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Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik

Lehrstuhl Mathematik VIII Komplexe Analysis und Differentialgeometrie

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Bücher von Prof. Dr. Catanese

  1. Homological mirror symmetry and tropical geometry. Castano-Bernard, Ricardo (ed.); Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.); Kontsevich, Maxim (ed.); Pantev, Tony (ed.); Soibelman, Yan (ed.); Zharkov, Ilia (ed.) Based on the workshop on mirror symmetry and tropical geometry, Cetraro, Italy, July 2–8, 2011. Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana 15, Springer Verlag.
  2. Symplectic 4-manifolds and Algebraic surfaces, Catanese, F.(ed.);G. Tian (ed.), Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school, Cetraro, Italy, September 2-10, 2003. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1938. Berlin: Springer; Florence: Fondazione C.I.M.E. xiii, 345 p. (2008).
  3. Vector bundles and low codimensional subvarieties: state of the art and recent developments, G. Casnati, F. Catanese, R. Notari editors, “Quaderni di Matematica” della Seconda Universita’ di Napoli, QM n. 21, (2007), 388 pp.
  4. Global aspects of complex geometry. F. Catanese, H. Esnault, A Huckleberry, K. Hulek, T. Peternell, editors, Springer Verlag (2006).
  5. Algebraic Geometry. Beltrametti, Mauro (ed.);Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.);Ciliberto, Ciro (ed.); Lanteri, Antonio (ed.); Pedrini, Claudio (ed.) . A Volume in memory of Paolo Francia. Walter de Gruyter , Berlin - New York (2002).
  6. Complex Geometry. Bauer, Ingrid (ed.); Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.); Kawamata, Yujiro (ed.); Peternell, Thomas (ed.); Siu, Yum- Tong. Collections of papers dedicated to Hans Grauert. Berlin etc. Springer Verlag XXII, 340 p. (2002).
  7. New trends in algebraic geometry. Hulek, Klaus (ed.); Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.); Peters, Chris (ed.); Reid, Miles (ed.) Selected papers presented at the Euro conference, Warwick, UK, July 1996. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 264. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. x, 484 p. (1999).
  8. Arithmetic geometry. Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.) Proceedings of a symposium, Cortona, Arezzo, Italy, October 16-21, 1994. Symposia Mathematica. 37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, x, 300 p.(1997). [ISBN 0-521-59133-3/hbk]
  9. Transcendental methods in algebraic geometry. Catanese, F.(ed.); Ciliberto, C. (ed.) Lectures given at the 3rd session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (CIME), Cetraro, Italy, July 4-12, 1994. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1646. Cetraro: Springer, 258 p. (1996). [ISBN 3-540-62038-9/pbk]
  10. Classification of irregular varieties. Minimal models and Abelian varieties. Ballico, Edoardo (ed.); Catanese, Fabrizio (ed.); Ciliberto, Ciro (ed.) Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy, 17-21 December, 1990. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1515. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag, 149 p. (1992). [ISBN 3-540-55295-2/pbk]
  11. Problems in the theory of surfaces and their classification. Catanese, F.(ed.); Ciliberto, C. (ed.); Cornalba, M. (ed.), Papers from the meeting held at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Cortona, Italy, October 10-15, 1988. Symposia Mathematica. 32. London: Academic Press, Rome: Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, xii, 410 p. (1991). [ISBN 0-12-612232-6/hbk]

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Dr. Stephen Coughlan

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